
I help those with depression return to lives of meaning and fulfillment.

Depression Therapy Atlanta

Your depression may have begun recently, or it may be of such long duration that you don’t remember ever having felt good. For many of us, depression returns again and again, even when we think we have overcome it. Over time, this can result in the feeling that things will never get better.

A hallmark of depression is a profound feeling of being alone. I am often struck but how much those suffering with depression just want someone to listen to them. If you are in your teens you may feel especially alone, because your struggle may go unnoticed.

One terrible part of depression is the conviction that there is something inherently wrong with us as people, that we do not deserve love or fulfillment. Another is the inability to find enjoyment in any aspect of life. These can lead inevitably to passive thoughts of suicide, wishing you did not have to go on living, or active thoughts of taking your own life.

I want to help you discover your value as a person and gain the skills to make a life truly worth living.

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This link has helpful information for individuals and families.